We have hand picked a number of routes to help you get the most out of your bike hire. From easy, flat routes to more adventurous active ones.

Difficulty: Easy
Coast & Country
This is an ideal route for a beginner or those looking to enjoy a relaxing cycle ride. The route starts at Grandes Rocques and heads inland through the lanes before reaching the coast and looping back to Grandes Rocques.
Key sights along the way
- West coast views
- Golden bays at Port Soif
- Historical fortifications at Rousse
- Traditional farmhouses
- Saumarez Park
- Route 2 in the Cycle Guide Map
- 7 miles

Difficulty: Standard
Central Circular
A medium to long route in the countryside including a range of flat sections and hills. Experience the rural beauty that Guernsey has to offer and visit some key attractions such as the German Underground Hospital and the Little Chapel.
Key sights along the way
- Rural beauty
- German Underground Hospital
- The church of Ste Marie du Castel
- Talbot Valley
- Les Vauxbelets Valley
- The Little Chapel
- Gold & Silversmiths
- Route 6 in the Cycle Guide Map
- 11 miles

Difficulty: Adventurous
Hills & Valley Trek
An adventurous route starting at sea level on the west coast before climbing into the valleys with challenging hills and descents accompanied by some picture perfect traditional cottages and farmhouses along the way.
Key sights along the way
- Coach House Art Gallery
- Silbe Nature Reserve
- Le Moulin de Quanteraine
- La Longue Pierre menhir
- Route 8 in the Cycle Guide Map
- 6.5 miles
Everyone who hires with us receives a free cycle guide map. Why not plan ahead and download the map right now.